Guys I have a 10-156 that I plowed about 4 acres of new ground (old pasture) with last year. My 1950 N pulled it ok, but to get the plow to work I had to use the limiting chains to keep it from throwing way off to the left and coming out of the ground. It would work good for two or three passes then go to heck quick making a lumpy mess for me to deal with. Seemed like the more I used it the worse it worked, course could have been teh difference in the ground. Sometimes to get both bottoms to dig in I was having to adjust it so the points were not level and it was not leaving a flat bottom. I have several acres of plowing to do again this spring and I am not looking forward to fighting the plow. I think the adjustment arm with the fine threads may be the key, but Its going to be a bear to turn that nut. Any suggestions?
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