In Reply to: Re: GAS CAP EXCHANGE posted by Tim Daley(MI) on July 06, 2009 at 09:16:01:
In Regard to the gas cap exchange. I called a New Holland dealer in NH and asked about the exchange program. He looked it up while I was on the phone, and told me, yes he had the bulliton on the recall and it was still in effect. Said he would have to order the cap, and it would be in in a few days. He called me the day before Christmas to tell me it was in. I went up to get the cap the first of the next week. I got the new vented cap. Told him my serial number, and turned in my old cap. The recipt was written on in red pen, "Just give to customer" Price of cap would have been, $51.31, according to the typed in amount on the bottom of the recipt. I want to thank I believe Tim Daley for the heads up about the cap.
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