Posted by Gary__Sarge on December 20, 2007 at 12:50:44 [URL] [DELETE] :
In Reply to: Hey You NYS Farmers - ROPS REBATE posted by Gary__Sarge on December 19, 2007 at 13:01:21:
Hey All
Just a update to the ROPS available.
Scott F. e mailed me and said YT has the ROPS for $429 + $29 + $85, the last 2 figures for shipping and truck charge.
The ROPS that YT is selling is the same ROPS that is on the Hercules site that sells for $935 + $142.16 shipping to my house, qiute a difference :)>!!!
Thought I'd mention It :)>>!!!
Have a Great Tractor DAy
PS I got a e mail from Julie Sorensen from NYCAMH thanking me for putting this info out on this forum.
I don't do it for the praise but instead do it so we don't lose anyone else to a preventable accident :))>>!!!
Gary & Sarge
'49/52 8N510380 Sarge |
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