Posted by Jeff C on October 29, 2007 at 08:01:38 [URL] [DELETE] :
In Reply to: trailering tractors posted by heybusdriver on November 17, 2006 at 19:45:28:
"Check the weld's"... truer words were never spoken. A couple of years ago I enlisted the help of a buddy (a guy with a 1 1/4 ton truck and a homebuilt float) to move my old Fordson. When we went to get the trailer, right away I noticed that the built quality was sketchy. We eventually loaded it up and took off. On the way to where we were going and with me following in my own vehicle, because the trailer lights were non-existant, it occured to me that the trailer looked a little low up front. I figured I just never noticed this at the start of our little journey. When we were getting ready to unload, there it was... the hitch was nearly separated from the truck!!! That's why the trailer looked low. The welds had broken except for one corner. Another bump or to and it would have been a terrible scene as the "safety" chains were hooked on to the part of the hitch that was nearly torn off. And we had gone down and up some fairly steep hills in residential areas too!!! All I could picture was the tractor straped to the trailer rolling down a hill into oncoming traffic or into a house. NOT GOOD. Next time I'll be paying way more attention to the welding, mine and the other guy's as well... Good advice...
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