Re: Anyone watch the dance?

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Posted by Frank (WNY) on June 29, 2024 at 08:04:28 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: Re: Anyone watch the dance? posted by Bruce(OR) on June 29, 2024 at 01:19:49:

I didn’t watch, but it looks like what most expected. The words weren’t important because nothing new was said. The biggest take away was the optics. If you turned off the sound, the body language spoke volumes. The most interesting part was at the end when joe was helped off the stage by Jill. The CNN commentators had the best analysis when one said that after 6 days of prep joe’s performance was disappointing. That plus 16 advisors and a hanger converted to a television stage, accomplished nothing. I don’t believe they gave him any enhancement drugs, because they were afraid of what that would make him look like. Now there is talk of replacing him. I’m not sure who would want to do that with only 4 months to prepare. Stay tuned!

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