Re: earliest tract-o-lite?(pics)

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Posted by Randy on June 16, 2007 at 15:44:57 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: Re: earliest tract-o-lite?(pics) posted by don b on June 16, 2007 at 15:44:30:

About the 1H part number prefix, I thought that Ford required Tractor to pass any parts through their Parts Control group if they could possibly already have such things, or at least to exercise some central standardization on the numbers. Seems like a six volt 32 cp single contact bayonet base bulb like this would be something they already used or would use, so I am guessing this was decided by them.

The FDF numbers are an entirely different prefix, and I don't know where that came from, but the six volt bulb FDF-13465-A (it is trade number 1143) that was used to make up the 12v assembly uses the same prefix that the 12v assembly FDF-15514-A does.I don't know that much about how all the unusual prefixes came about except, in earlier days, each design location had some numbering systems of their own: 967 and 960, for example, came from Dagenham.

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