One of Henry Ford's early visions was to study plant cellulose for use as a polymer in making plastic parts. The soya bean (note correct spelling) was one successful endeavor and he had tractor seats made of soyabean polymers and offered as an option but only on very early 9Ns. The 9N tractor seat is listed in the first N-Series Master Parts Catalog from March, 1940, as part number as 9N-400-A (steel) and 9N-400-B (plastic). Unforeseen problems arose in real usage as mice and other critters realized the easy meal the seats provided and began to nibble away at them and thus make the farmer very angry. Some old photos of a local tractor show back in 2003 near me in Imlay City, Michigan, had a guy, whom I cannot recall his name now, but had his family's original 9N and Ferguson-Sherman Plow there on display and when I met him he told me the tractor had a plastic seat. The one close-up picture of the seat I took was not in focus and all blurry so don't have a good one to share. The local show was cancelled a few years after this and I never saw him or his tractor again.
Tim *PloughNman* Daley(MI)