In Reply to: Re: Dearborn 10-14 Plow Wrench Article posted by Zack(NC) on October 09, 2009 at 17:16:10:
No, I have never been to NC so I don't think I have a son there...LOL!!! I have been looking for jobs in that area and would love to move there if I get one...
Please help me with this project...get a set of dial calipers and measure your plow wrench span. Mine measures 1-7/16", which is 1.4375" in decimal. It may be slightly larger but well under 1-1/2". My nuts AF (across flats) on the plow also
measure 1-7/16". If I take an 1-1/2" wrench, it is too sloppyand would strip the nuts easily. Don't try to 'scale-it' with a tape measure, be precise with calipers. Measure your plow nuts too. Thanks.
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