Moto-Tug History

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Posted by Paladin (Bob IN PA) on February 05, 2009 at 05:11:47 [URL] [DELETE] :

I bought a book called "The Air War In Korea" at a local used book sale but I never expected it to be an addition to my Ford library. There are pics of aircraft operations on Navy aircraft carriers off the Korean coast, and, sure enough, there are Moto-Tugs on the carriers. In contrast to the WWII pics, these Moto-Tugs have had diagonal visibility stripes painted across their fronts (probably yellow and black, but the old pics are in black and white). Of course, camoflage was not an issue off the coast of Korea.

I wonder how long the Moto-Tugs hung on with the USN and when the last of them was phased out of service? Korean service would keep them on active duty until at least 1954.

I thyink that I may shoot an email off to the USN aviation museum in Pensacola and see if anyone has an answer.

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