Re: CNH -New Paint Supplier

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Posted by raven on January 14, 2013 at 21:35:20 [URL] [DELETE] :

In Reply to: CNH -New Paint Supplier posted by Tim Daley(MI) on January 14, 2013 at 20:16:10:

Valspar is the current supplier for New Holland.

Spoke with the Valspar engineer in Moline , Ill were the licensed paints are made about two months ago.
New Holland issues a license to Valspar to make the paint to NW specifications.
This is one reason the dealer paint is more expensive than the generic labeled paint.

Similiar to Harley Davision & Caterpiller issuing a license to Wolverine to make the boots.

Really disappointed on the TISCO/ van Sickle paint color, it is not gray with an olive green hue , but rather straight olive green, the paint sample appears green not gray.

Currenly communicating with Troy Van ECK at Van Sickle nfg co.

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