In Reply to: Sunflower picker posted by Bryan S (WI) on September 06, 2016 at 17:38:27:
Can't really help you with your problem. I plant a couple/few dozen sunflowers each year, basically to feed the birds over the winter and i also roast some up for snacks. Got the seeds from a friend years ago. These suckers are big. Stand 10'/12' high. Planted them with a one row corn planter on the back of the farmall cub but since I don't have the right seed plate I took the hopper off and have a funnel that i just drop the seeds in one at a time. It still beats planting them by hand.
They were just about ready to harvest and I figured I would pick them after I got back from a 10 vacation. After the trip I could believe it there was nothing left. The squirrels, birds, chipmunks and even the woodchucks climbed a 6' fence, I seen him climb down the wooden fence post, demolish every head. Luckily my friend had planted seeds I gave him so he gave me a half dozen heads so I'll have seeds for next year and some to roast, the birds are on there own this winter.