Dearborn Plows: Data Reference Chart

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Posted by Tim Daley(MI) on August 05, 2013 at 12:12:32 [URL] [DELETE] :

These are just some of the data sheets from MPCs. Note part numbers do not always mean they are same as casting number. Parts like shares and moldboards had a casting number on them and those are the numbers needed to cross reference new parts to. Moldboards are listed as 'ASSEMBLY' and carry a totally different part number. That's because the assembly could use one of four style moldboards -10"; 12"; 14"; or 16". The early Dearborn Moldboard (Prior) Model 12" Plow, Model 10-8, uses moldboard part number 101517 and share part number 101248. The Prior Model 10-1 (14") Plow uses share part number 101003. Both parts are extremely hard to find and will most likely be costly if they are. Shares for these early plows consisted of a welded construction whereby there was a partial landside attached 90 degrees to the point. Note that the pictures of my aftermarket 14" share have the Dearborn part number, not the casting number.

A NOS Aftermarket Dearborn Plow Share For the 10-1 (14") Moldboard Plow-

Tim Daley(MI)

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