Pertronix on '52 8N

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Posted by Kevin Singleton on November 09, 2009 at 14:52:25 [URL] [DELETE] :

For those who are wondering, it is a very easy installation, and came off without a hitch. It took a little longer than it should, because my 6V coil came apart while I was trying to tighten the nuts with the new connections, but, otherwise, it was very simple, and worked, perfectly. I set the timing using a timing light, and a 12-volt marine battery. I then filled the gas tank, and put'er to work. The little engine that could, still can, and without ever having to adjust points, again!

So, if this upgrade is on your wish list, I highly recommend that you go ahead and get on with it. There is nothing to fear. One hot wire from the ignition switch to the distributor, one wire from the distributor to the coil, and one wire from the coil to ground. Fire it up, and adjust the timing to your liking (or, to factory specs, if that's the sort of chap you are).

I'm glad I did it, and so's my wife!

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