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Subject: The Dukes of MAGA

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Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 07-25-2024 at 14:44:58 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • The Dukes of MAGA
  • Vito    Posted 07-25-2024 at 18:29:12 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • Personally I don't think Vance was a good choice for his running mate.


    Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 07-26-2024 at 05:27:50 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • Yeah, I like Vance and it would have been fun to watch him debate Kamala if Biden had not stepped aside, but I think there were better choices from a political perspective. Tim Scott would have been a good strategic choice. Trump has already doubled his black male voting support in recent polls. I think Scott would have gotten more to cross over to vote for Trump, or at least just stayed home because they would not want to choose, which is as good as a vote for Trump. It would help Trump carry SC and maybe GA. We'll see how it goes with Vance.

    Dean    Posted 07-26-2024 at 08:53:21 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • I much like Vivek Ramaswamy.

    Would have been debate nirvana.

    Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 07-26-2024 at 09:57:14 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • Yeah, he's intelligent, always well-prepared, articulate, and intellectually tough (will stand his ground). Can debate well with anyone. He also projects a nice-guy image through the camera.

    Dean    Posted 07-25-2024 at 18:39:03 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • Neither do I.

    Though I like Vance, he is a freshman Senator from a pink state. If he becomes VP, RINO governor Mike Dewine will appoint a RINO to serve out his remaining term until a special election determines the new OH senator. Demos will throw enormous amounts of out-of-state and out-of-country money at this election and may well win.

    No need to go there for a loyalty pick.

    Bruce(OR)    Posted 07-26-2024 at 01:14:27 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • Current age?
    Age in 4 years?
    Voting demographic?

    Dean    Posted 07-26-2024 at 08:48:26 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • 39.

    Bruce(OR)    Posted 07-25-2024 at 15:22:28 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: The Dukes of MAGA
  • I like the Hog Boss. Or is that "Boss Hog"?

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