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Subject: Winning ticket

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Bruce(OR)    Posted 07-06-2024 at 02:06:43 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Winning ticket
  • Gretchen Wind Chime and Kamel toes Harris
    Or is is gonna be Moochele?

    Biden is going to Maintain, maintain, maintay... n...

    Keep going Joey. I am voting for ya!
    Just for curiosity sake.

    Dean    Posted 07-07-2024 at 10:26:48 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Winning ticket
  • Biden will be replaced before the election.

    Of course, the demos must replace Harris in order to replace biden/Harris with candidates chosen by party big wigs behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms, thereby ignoring the wishes of their primary voters. Simply forcing Harris out is too risky as doing so might not go well with blacks, women, etc. Accordingly, Harris must be convinced to withdraw" voluntarily."

    This is easily done by convincing (or forcing) biden to resign while still president so that Harris can become POTUS for a couple of months. Harris can then draw here presidential salary for the rest of her life, her senate salary for the rest of her life and any/all pensions/perks/bennies from CA for the rest of her life.

    Should Harris not play ball, she can simply be replaced with Moochelle, inoculating the party from black/female backlash. Moochelle will easily win the 2024 election resulting in continuing catastrophic damage to the country.

    Is this a great country, or what?

    Vito    Posted 07-08-2024 at 18:59:16 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Winning ticket
  • Politically motivated felon or disbarred lawyer. What great options we have if Big Mike enters the race.


    dave#1    Posted 07-07-2024 at 13:28:34 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Winning ticket
  • To everything you just said ?? BINGO !!

    Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 07-06-2024 at 05:50:34 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • But.....but......ole Joe says......
  • On Friday, President Joe Biden committed to a second debate with Donald Trump.

    Speaking to reporters before boarding Air Force One after a campaign event in Madison, Wisconsin, Biden was asked about debating Trump again.

    Biden went on to say, “Let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race! I will beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020.”

    Bruce(OR)    Posted 07-08-2024 at 03:44:28 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: But.....but......ole Joe says......
  • Well the Dear Leader is the Senator of 57 states. . .

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