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Subject: Congress will have all the samples one needs

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Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 06-03-2024 at 06:05:38 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Congress will have all the samples one needs
  • AL CT    Posted 06-03-2024 at 07:02:58 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Congress will have all the samples one needs
  • I clicked on the link and was bombarded with needless never ending ads.

    Ed Gooding (VA)    Posted 06-03-2024 at 07:19:45 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [Email]  
  • Re: Congress will have all the samples one needs
  • Hmmmmmmmmmm....when I click on it I get the article from the Washington Times newspaper. It must be because you are not a subscriber. Sorry Al, I wasn't aware that they would do this to you.

    Walt/Tx    Posted 06-03-2024 at 12:25:12 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Congress will have all the samples one needs
  • I just get the newspaper article. No problem.

    Bruce(OR)    Posted 06-03-2024 at 10:19:05 [URL] [DELETE]        [Reply] [No Email]  
  • Re: Congress will have all the samples one needs
  • Apparently we need to gather the poop and send it to North Korea.
    In balloons.

    The next station at the airport will be the Dog Station. get your asp sniffed before boarding. Now the question is what happens if the dog get a certain odor?
    Will it bite your asp? Pie on it? Or simply take your leg for a ride?
    "Sir, your 80 pounds overweight".
    Yeah, the wife has competition.

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